Väčšina z nás pozná lásku na prvý pohľad. Nemusí ísť o človeka, môže ísť o kvetinu, zviera, oblečenie alebo nové miesto. A tak sa stalo, keď sme prvýkrát navštívili Greenwich. Počas hľadania nového ubytovania po príchode do Londýna na mňa viackrát vyskočil Isle of Dogs, ako dobré miesto na život. Tak sme jedno ráno vstali a išli si urobiť výlet. Výlet do Greenwich.

Most of us are familiar with love at first sight. It may not be a person, it may be a flower, animal, clothing or a new location. And it is happened when we first visited Greenwich. During the search for a new accommodation after arriving to London, Google showed me Isle of Dogs as a good place to live.. So one morning we got up earlier and did the trip. Trip to Greenwich.

Old Royal Naval College

Dôvod našej lásky na prvý pohľad bol veľmi jednoduchý. Veľmi, ale naozaj veľmi nám pripomínal Prahu. Veľa malých obchodíkov, turistov, úžasný trh, rieka, veľa zelene, proste všetko, čo máme radi.
Ako takmer každá naša prechádzka, aj táto bola stavaná na náhodách. Vystúpili sme na zastávke DLR Island Gardens a pešo sme sa dostali až do parku odkiaľ sme objavili Foot Tunel, ktorý nás dostal na druhú stranu rieky a tam sa už na nás usmievala úžasná loď Cutty Sark.

The reason our love at first sight was very simple. This place is really reminds us Prague. Many small shops, tourists, amazing market, river, lots of greenery, just everything what we love. We got off at the stop DLRIsland Gardens. Then we walked until we got to the park where we discovered Foot tunnel. This tunnel got us under the river and on the other side of the river is waited for us the ship Cutty Sark.

Ale čím je Greenwich taký známy?
1. Keď sa chceš stať "mariňákom", tak nesmieš vynechať Old Royal Naval College - múzeum, kde si zadarmo môžeš pozrieť 500 ročnú mariňácku históriu, ale aj neuveriteľnú Painted Hall, ktorá vyzerá presne ako z filmu Harry Potter.
2. Loď Cutty Sark, ktorá v minulosti slúžila k prevozu čajov z Číny do Londýna.
3. Greenwich market alebo trh, ktorý si užijú hlavne ľudia s dušou umelca, kde okrem množstva chutného jedla nájdete  aj množstvo ručne vyrábaných výrobkov.
4. Royal Observatory Greenwich alebo miesto, kde prechádza nultý poludník.

Toho, čo sa tu dá vidieť je neúrekom a rozhodne nie na jeden deň. Prekvapivo, veľa ľudí pozná Greenwich, ale nie Foot Tunnel. Aj my sme ho našli náhodne. Originálne sme hľadali toaletu :D
A našli sme miesto na prechádzky.

So what you can do in Greenwich or why is Greenwich so famous:
1. The Old Royal Naval College (ORNC) is Sir Christopher Wren's twin-domed riverside masterpiece and one of London's most famous landmarks. The iconic buildings stand on the site of Greenwich Palace, Henry VIII's favourite royal residence, and include the acclaimed Discover Greenwich Visitor Centre, magnificent Painted Hall and Chapel. Entry is free and the ORNC is open daily.
2. Delve into the fascinating story of Cutty Sark - the record-breaking tea clipper which has travelled the globe and visited every major world port and is now an award-winning visitor attraction in Greenwich.
3. Greenwich Market is packed full of unique and distinctive arts and crafts. Well known for its designer makers and small cottage industries, customers have access to items that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Enjoy the vibrant atmosphere, take in some classical music performed by students from nearby Trinity College of Music, and enjoy the continental food court whilst browsing through the wonderful array of over 120 arts, craft and antique stalls.
4. Royal Observatory Greenwich is place where you can stand at the centre of world time. Discover the past, present and future wonders of astronomy at the centre of time. 

There is a lot of places what you can see and not for one day trip. Surprisingly, many people are familiar with Greenwich but not with Foot Tunnel. We found Foot Tunnel by mistake. Originally we were looking for the toilet :D And we found a incredible place for walks.

Prečo sú však niektoré miesta takmer osudové? O tom napíšeme neskôr.

But why are some places almost fateful? We will write about that later.
With love,
A couple in London
A couple in London. Používa službu Blogger.